Yogyakarta, March 2024 – RUN System, a leading provider of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions, on the fourth day of SXSW 2024 in Texas, USA, held a meeting with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) after the Consulate General of Houston’s Business Forum agenda. This meeting was in the context of strengthening the Indonesian team and appreciating the startup delegates by Kemenparekraf.
On this occasion, RUN System presented a memento to Kemenparekraf as a form of gratitude for entrusting them. For the second time they are trusted to represent the greatness of the nation’s children in the field of technology and creative economy in the international arena, especially through SXSW and a series of other activities in America. Sony Rachmadi Purnomo, CEO and Founder of RUN System, directly handed over the memento to Feriandy as the representative of Kemenparekraf.

Memento to Kemenparekraf
Read also: RUN System Continues to Impress Investors and Users in America with its Outstanding Performance!
Extensive Opportunities for Extensive Networking
Through the opportunities that have been provided, there are great opportunities for RUN System and other startups to expand their network. This networking includes potential investors, partners, potential users and leading industry players in the world. This rare opportunity allows them to present the latest technological innovations, especially showcasing the Low Code-Application Platform, believed to change the paradigm in the world of technology.
Kemenparekraf said that for them SXSW is not just another festival. SXSW is a convergence of film, music, interactive media, culture and conferences that makes it a global stage for media and technology companies.
In addition, Kemenparekraf admitted that since the first participation in 2017, this year, they have succeeded in presenting 10 innovative startups, with unique strengths and ready to improve the quality of life of the community. A very careful selection process achieved this success. The selection involved collaboration with the Jakarta Government, communities, and associations, to ensure a broad representation of the archipelago.
Thus, RUNS’ participation at SXSW is not just an exhibition. However, it is also a representation and strategic step to show the great potential that Indonesia has in the world of technology and creative economy.