Yogyakarta – RUN System and MileApp officially collaborated on system integration, especially those related to logistics processes on Friday (28/05). Located at Grha RUN System Yogyakarta, President Director of PT Global Sukses Solusi (RUN System) Sony Rachmadi Purnomo and President Director of MileApp Dika Maheswara signed a cooperation agreement (PKS).

The MileApp team was welcomed by the RUN System when they visited the RUN System office on Thursday, 27 May 2021 to conduct a study visit and discussion related to collaboration. This activity was attended by President Director of PT Global Sukses Solusi Sony Rachmadi Purnomo, GM Strategic Partnership and Portfolio Badlin Isnan Bahrun dan Staff Dzikri Abdul Azis, Application Consultant Mohd. Ridho Al-Fariz, President Director of MileApp Dika Maheswara, Head of Implementation Alfa Marzela, Head of Tech Saifullah Rifai, Head of Account Rendy Pratama, and Head of Marketing Aldis Tannos.
Inventory and distribution processes are very important for a company’s business process activities, the digital era of fast movement makes companies create innovations to provide added value for a product including expedition or delivery services.
MileApp is a platform used for planning, monitoring, and optimizing logistics operations. Since its establishment in 2018, the Mile App has been trusted by leading companies in Indonesia such as JNE, Mitsubishi, and other companies to support their daily operational activities.
The collaboration of product advantages and features between the RUN System and MileApp is expected to add value to a product for the inventory management module and distribution process. Through this collaboration, it is expected to provide ease for the logistics process of goods from delivery to the receipt of goods so customer satisfaction can increase.