Sharing Session: “Felling Your Career” for Successfully Respond to The Dynamic Environment

Sharing Session: “Felling Your Career” for Successfully Respond to The Dynamic Environment

A sharing session with the theme “Feeling Your Career” was held at Run System on Friday, March 5, 2021. This sharing session is a kind of psychoeducation carried out by UGM Master’s students of psychology and supported by the Run System’s Community and Academy department. This event was conducted to raise awareness of Run System’s employees regarding agile behavior. Astiyana Arum, who is a Master of Professional Psychology Student, said in a dynamic work environment, employees are required to be agile. Being agile is reflected in the attitude of adapting quickly, proactively looking for opportunities, and resilience to stressful situations. Astiyana Arum also emphasized employee’s role is vital for the progress of the organization.

Arum said that in this modern world, everything is very dynamic. Especially with Run System’s employees who are in direct contact with technology and digital. It’s because technology is changing very rapidly, so that it makes employees always ready for any changes, either in the company or like their work. Therefore, the agile behavior will help employees to adapt to every change, must endure any conditions even when there are obstacles, employees are actively looking for solutions. Arum invited RUNers to learn how they can be agile for their work and company by being determined in learning and developing themselves, being able to solve problems, being able to adapt, and even be comfortable with various changes, new ideas, and technology.

RUNers responded to the sharing session so well. There were even some employees and interns who asked some questions and shared their opinions related to the material presented. Some interns shared their experience working in Run System. It makes them adapt to new things, learn new materials, new environments, make new friends, solve work problems, and understand the workflow through some exams.

This sharing session was held at the Run System office and via Zoom. Hopefully, this sharing session becomes a routine activity for RUNers to gain knowledge or to be applied in their daily work. Also, to facilitate the RUNers sharing related to him, it is hoped that this event can provide benefits for both employees and the organization.

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